About Us

Pixologie Digital Solutions is a family owned business! It is owned by James and Dawn Overbye. James is a 30 yr Combat Disabled Veteran with experience in seeing a task, setting goals and getting it done. Dawn has a degree in education and has been the keeper of the family memories her entire life. It started with genealogy! Jeffrey their son has an associates degree in Cybersecurity and a BS in Information Systems Operations Management. He is a bit of a Renaissance man having the ability to tinker with old electronics and make the new computer world all work together as necessary. We have lived in lots of places and experienced lots of things. We ended up here in Northern Virginia as our last duty station in 2004 and started business here in 2017!

Superior Quality! We not only digitally replicate your analog items but we do so at a very high resolution. We want you to have the best possible version of your items. Photos at 600 dpi so you can make a print. Negatives and Slides at least 3000 dpi. Motion picture film is done with as much of the frame captured as possible and then cropping off the edges. We give you two versions; one to play easy on current screens and another unedited for possible future use with AI! 

What is the process? Drop us an email or simply call. You don’t need to know exactly what you have. We are here to figure it out. You can make an appointment to meet with us if you are local, we can video chat together, you can take a snapshot with your phone so we can see. There are so many different types of things that most are confused! We get things mailed to us from all over the World also. If you can get it to us, we can likely help you. 

We do the work! Available locally in the DMV. Drop off and pick up. Your items stay in our capable hands! If you mail your items, it is still us who handles your family memories.

Variety of services, from early metal mounted photos to helping you manage your digital content. Motion picture film made so no projector is needed to view. Audio tape of all sorts. Slides and negatives scanned at a high resolution so you could actually make a print. 

What do I get back? You get your analog items in the digital version. Photos are jpg files, videos are Mp4 and audio Mp3. You can play these on computers, smart televisions and can be shared, multiple copies made for future generations.

If you want your family’s story told, please consider Pixologie Digital Solutions and we will do our best to help you solidify your legacy story for future generations.