How to Save Photos That Are Stuck Together

I was working on a client’s photos and found two that were very stuck together. If you have some in this condition do NOT throw them out, because there may be hope! Photos that were professionally printed can get wet, and getting them wet may make it possible to scan the photo, so it isn’t lost! Here are some step-by-step instructions, if you need a hand to hold. 

These photos were printed in May 1961! These could have been stuck like this for decades it seems.|

  1. Put the photos on a plate in a bit of tepid water (not too hot, not too cold).

  2. Wait! This part requires patience. Leave them sit submerged for 5 minutes
  3. After a few minutes have passed,  check a corner to see if they are loosening. The edges release before the center so just wait! Don’t pull them apart they will tear.

  4.  Then carefully working around the edges bit by bit lift them apart!

Here are the two photos! Intact and when dry I will scan them to add to the digital collection.

So the moral of the story is don’t throw out your photos! Photos have stories to tell. Let me help you tell those stories.