Don’t trade your VHS problem to a DVD one!

Have you found yourself thinking “I have a closet/drawer/shelf full of family movies on VHS/VHS C/Hi8/mini DV/Beta or 8/16mm film, and I want to be able to watch my family movies again!”? Unwatchable family memories is a very common problem today, what’s even more upsetting is that video tape has a limited life. It wears out with each viewing so if you are lucky enough to have a VCR you are wearing out your only copy of those memories.

What should you do? Many stores and conversion companies will take your video tapes and put them neatly on a DVD. This is not the perfect solution that they present it as. To fit a video on a DVD the file must be compressed leaving you with only a fraction of the digital information and video quality you started with on your tape/film.

What is the better solution? The better solution is to get the entire converted video file. This is a large file we will put on your external hard drive, we can also make you a DVD if you wish to watch it in a dvd player. The file you can also watch on your computer very easily.

If you are going to spend the energy getting your precious memories converted, do it once and do it right. Make sure you get the entire video file on an external hard drive!

This change away from DVD is not long down the road. Don’t trade your VHS problem for a DVD problem. Pixologie Digital Solutions will make your video DVD if you wish, but we will also give you your entire converted file. With that file you can watch it on a computer, your smart TV’s, etc. today! Don’t trade one family memories problem for another one. Do it once and do it right, come to Pixologie Digital Solutions!