How Long Will My Media Storage Last?

We know we need to make copies of our photos and other important documents. That means thumb drives, external hard drives, computer hard drives, clouds…  How long do they last? How often do I need to replace them?


Flash drives/thumb drives:

have an estimated 10 year life span. They have few moving parts and can be written/erased/rewritten many times. The main problem with flash drives is that they are small and easily misplaced. If you store things on one of these, maybe invest in a box just for them, or a specific drawer you always place them in. Your fire box or safe could also be good storage places for these.


SD cards:

Those small square memory cards we put into our cameras. They are estimated to last 10 years with “normal usage” I don’t know exactly what “normal usage” means but keeping them secure in the little box they come in to avoid damage is very important. Like flash drives, they are small and easy to misplace. Have a designated place for them.


External hard drives:

Each brand/type has its own life expectancy, but from what I have read they last usually 1-5 years! The benefit of an external hard drive is the cost and amount of data you can fit onto one. Take a sharpie and write the date you start using it right on the device so you remember. It’s easy to lose track of how old such a device is.


Cloud storage:

All cloud storage is not alike. Some offer “FREE” but it is only possible to offer free storage if they sell your information. The old adage of “there is no free lunch” comes into play. With some cloud storage providers, you pay for storage of your data but once you stop paying your data can then be deleted. One company offers data you pay for up front and it is yours for your lifetime, plus 100 years! Part of the money you pay them is put into a trust, that money is then used to manage your data down the road. Whatever the next new thing is, they will be able to handle it. It is considered “insurance for your photos”. Whatever cloud service you use, use it regularly. Something is better than nothing!


Printed photos:

The lifespan of photos is based on two things:

      1. Ink and Paper Quality: 

        Professionally printed photos are estimated to last 75-100 years. Photos printed on a home printer may be significantly less, because the ink and paper are not usually of archival quality.

      2. Storage Location: 

        If they are stored in archival boxes in a humidity controlled, temperature controlled area, the lifespan is probably much longer than 100 years. In a flooded basement or a hot attic, they will not as long as you imagined. Printed photos in frames exposed to UV light will not keep their vibrant colors as long. Glass with UV protection in will help, but light is the enemy. I highly suggest framing and displaying photos in such a manner but also keep a copy in a much safer place.


The most important thing is to have multiple ways of storing your photos, so you can ensure that they are truly preserved. How do are your photos stored?