What is Photo Estate Planning?

Photo estate planning is like any other estate planning that you do to get your affairs in order. It doesn’t mean you are on death’s door; it just means you have your personal finances, belongings, holdings, and in this case your photos and memorabilia ready to pass onto someone else. What’s more important than your photos, memories, and all you have experienced? We at Pixologie Digital Solutions can help you do this for yourself to enjoy and also for you to pass onto the future generations.

What things are we talking about? If you have precious family heirloom photos that you would like to go through the generations we can secure them in archival boxes, digitize them so that they can be shared more widely. If you have precious photos or videos trapped on outdated technology like slides, tapes, video film, etc. we can get those things converted for you so those to can be added to your collection.

In this planning, you can also make multiple copies of your items so that you can pass down your collection of memories to all of your children or grandchildren. If you have secured your finances why not gather your photos and other precious items and allow us to get these in order also? We would love to help you with this most crucial task. info@pixdsinc.com