Visit Us at Haymarket Day!

Pixologie Digital Solutions is gearing up to have a vendor tent at a local town festival. We will be at Haymarket Day in Haymarket, Virginia on September 15th, 2018. We will be displaying our unique collection of antique photographic equipment. Old cameras, video cameras and the like. It is so fun to see what was used to take all those old family photos.

When you show up to our tent, you will be able to see just what we do here at Pixologie Digital Solutions. You can schedule a free consultation so we can discuss your personal collection and your vision for preserving it for the future. We will have some items for sale also. Photo labeling pencils so you can safely write all those important facts on your photos. Unique, items that help share more photos in your life. We truly hope to see you there! To prepare, look over your collection and think of a few questions for us. If we don’t know them, you can be sure we will research it and figure it out and get back to you.