5 Tips for Downsizing Your Photos and Mementos:

If sorting through your photos and mementos seems daunting, we’ve gathered together five easy steps that can put you on the path to organization!

  1. Go through your photos and get rid of duplicates, there’s no reason you need more than one!
  2. Digitize your photo collection so you don’t have to worry about the originals being damaged.
  3. Scan Certificates mounted on wooden plaques if they’re not being displayed and toss the originals.
  4. Take photos of keepsakes like trophies and donate the trophies for reuse. Look for a local group, or for more ideas click here.
  5. Contact a photo organizer to help with 1-4 info@pixdsinc.com

And that’s it! Just following these five short steps can help you be closer to your goal of an organized, clutter-free life!