Why Digital Video Files Are Fun!

We are currently doing an order for a local historical association. They have a bunch of videos from over the years of events with their organization. They have until now had tapes. VHS tapes and VHS-C tapes to be exact. They wanted to allow their members to watch the tapes if they were unable to attend or to just re-listen to a particularly good speaker or presentation. The problem was they had one copy of each event and if the tape got lost, damaged or just not returned they lost that bit of history of their organization. This happens with our personal tapes also. If we are lucky enough to have players and all the cords for the devices that play the tapes we also risk these same problems.

We contact local museums and such to see if we as a company can help them preserve their collections. Preservation is fun, a little! What is really fun though is when clients realize what they can do with their videotapes once digitized. We, of course, digitize the video in its entirety so it can be watched beginning to end as it was experienced originally. We can also for a nominal charge make clips of the videos. If a tape has multiple events on it or multiple speakers we can make short clips of each speaker. You can send your cousins the clips of them in it at a family gathering while avoiding the part about your vacation or boy scout event. You could clip the boy scout event to share with the scout den all while avoiding the cousin’s event and the vacation.

So first we encourage you to get your old tapes digitized and then maybe see if there are parts you would like to share with someone that could be clipped out! With the clips of family events, you could gather them from various years and make a little show out of them, watching everyone age on the screen in a few minutes. For the historical association, we are working with we are clipping short Veteran testimonials. I can’t wait to see how they use them in the future. Maybe all the WWII vets testimonials strung together?