It’s Ok To Miss Loved Ones

This time of year always gets me in my heart. I lost my dad in May 2005. He had not been ill, and he had just come to visit us a few weeks prior. It was a shock, and no one got to say goodbye. We always left and greeted with an “I love you,” but you know what I mean. The reason I write this is to let you know you are not alone if you miss someone and it gets you in your heart to.

I was daddy’s girl, and I still miss him something awful. It is odd because I could look at photos of him after a bit of time and not bust out crying but video or hearing his voice was different somehow. I had a client come recently with a box of photos/tapes and other outdated media she wanted to get made digital. The box was full of the memories of her mother. She wanted it done but could barely even speak about her. I told her she was not alone in that lump in her throat and tear in her eye. What my company does is very personal. It is many times the last bit we have of a loved one. The photos, videos, and audio sounds of their voice.

We take that task of preserving your memories very serious. We want it done properly. We want it saved a few times so it won’t be lost in an accident or equipment failure. We found some VHS-C tapes recently, and my dad is on there at birthday parties and squirt gun fights. I can now watch and listen, and while my heart is still missing him, it brings me joy that his grandchildren got to know him a bit. Saving what memories we have of my dad is important to me, so I also value yours. You don’t get that mailing the items off to a company far away. You don’t get that personal touch from a small family-owned company. Our family wants to help yours.

So while your heart might ache a bit, your eyes might tear up, we have a box of tissue handy. You won’t be the first needing one. Please bring your things in to be properly saved for future generations. We will take very personal care of your memories as I have taken care of my memories of my dad. It is OK to miss people. It isn’t OK to let the memories you have deteriorate and disappear. Contact us for a free consultation