How and Why to Make Yearly Photo Books

Photo albums are not the same as they used to be! We used to take photos, carry that roll of film around for a bit and then get it developed. We eagerly went to the drug store and picked up our prints. It was so exciting because we had zero idea what the photos would look like and there were only a few dozen. Now we take photos every day and we can see them before we even take them. The thing missing is the prints. With no push to get prints many of us are just skipping it. We at Pixologie Digital Solutions believe that it is still necessary to have photos printed.

Prints are important for a few reasons. One is that it forces us to select the very best of our photos. Having selected a few as our very best ones we want to save those for future generations. Decisions and filtering out the best is key to keeping in mind which matter most.

Secondly, prints are a very good way to secure your very good photos. If all your digital images are lost you still have the physical prints of your very best ones. Having only printed photos makes your images vulnerable to physical dangers like floods, hurricanes, pipes bursting, mold, etc. Having only digital photos makes your images vulnerable to electronic equipment failure. Having a balance of both forms is optimal.

How do I start making a yearly photo book?
How many photos do I need? Regular photo book ~30 pages you can get a maximum of ~1000 photos packed in. We suggest far less than that or add more pages. You will want a mix of pages with big, small and everything in between to keep it visually interesting. Sooo what this means is pick ~85 best pictures per month on average. That will leave you with a folder with ~1000 photos to choose from for making your photo book.

Be choosey! This is a time when only the best makes the cut. You want your best photos to represent your year. Make it a routine to designate those you LOVE on a regular basis. Different programs have different features. Give them a 5-star rating or move the best into a special folder. Companies like give you the option to not only digitally secure your photo images but to also make albums, and they have print services to even make those yearly books.

What book to make? It really is a personal taste decision. We would, however, suggest you test a few sizes and shapes and pick “yours”. Having your photo books all the same size and shape makes them line up on a shelf neatly. That visually gives off a sense of importance and longevity. That alone will encourage you to do the next years and the nexts!

So in conclusion, choose your best photo images on a routine basis. Secure them somewhere and make a plan to create a photo book each year of those memories. They will become a physical history of your life, your family and all the adventures you have taken. Need help? Contact us at That is what we are here for, to help you preserve your most precious memories!