EVENT: Free Class On Preserving a Military Legacy 5/21/18
Pixologie Digital Solutions is happy to provide free classes to the community! In May James will be holding a free…
3 Perfect Photo Gifts For Mother’s Day
We have the answer for what to get mom for Mother’s Day. Give her the very thing you know…
Colonel’s Corner: A Short History on Battlefield Photography
As technology has evolved, man has found a way to carry to technology to the battlefield, and photography has…
Organizing Your Photos: 5 Excuses To Never Start, and 5 Reasons Why You Have To Anyway
For everything in your life that you need to do, it’s pretty easy to come up with excuses for why…
How Long Will My Media Storage Last?
We know we need to make copies of our photos and other important documents. That means thumb drives, external hard…
Don’t trade your VHS problem to a DVD one!
Have you found yourself thinking “I have a closet/drawer/shelf full of family movies on VHS/VHS C/Hi8/mini DV/Beta or 8/16mm film,…
Organize Your Photos with Historian!
Historian is a software program that helps you organize and share photo files. Collect a lifetime of memories in a…
How to Save Photos That Are Stuck Together
I was working on a client’s photos and found two that were very stuck together. If you have some in…
Slide and Negative Scanning
Slide and Negative Scanning Restore your slides and negatives to a format that can be more easily accessed in this…
Smell Your Film!
If you have old 8 or 16 mm film, one way to check it’s stability is to sniff it! …